
Call today if you have need of the ministry of MEM. We are currently booking ministry dates for 2025. 

MEM ministers in Revivals, Bible Conferences, January Bible Studies, Gospel Concerts and other events on
an "expenses-plus-love-offering-basis" in any church regardless of size or location.
January 7& 10 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
January 11-12 - NC Baptist Evangelist Retreat, Asheboro, NC
January 14 & 17 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
January 19-27 - Mount Moriah, Jamaica 2024
January 28 & 31 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
February 4 & 7 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC

February 11&14 Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
February 18 & 21 Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
February 25 & 28 Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
March 3 & 6 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
March 10 & 13 - Mount Nelson Baptist Church, Eureka, NC
March 17 & 20 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
March 24 & 27 - New Center Baptist Church, Whiteville, NC
March 31 - Englewood Baptist Church, Rocky Mount, NC- Sunrise Service
March 31 & Feb 3 -Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
April 4 - Gospel of God Banquet, Raleigh, NC
April 7 & 10 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
April 14 -17 - Hampstead Baptist Church, Hampstead, NC
April 21 & 24 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
April 28-May 1 - FBC Millburn, Millburn, NJ
May 5 & 8 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
May 12 & 15 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
May 19 & 22 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC

May 26 - Englewood Baptist Church, Rocky Mount, NC
May 29-June 4 - Central Baptist Church, Syracuse, NY
June 7-12 - COSBE & Annual SBC, Indianapolis, IN

June 16 & 19 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
June 23 & 26 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
June 30 & July 3 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
July 7 & 10 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC

July 14 - Cashie Baptist Church, Windsor, NC
July 17 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC

July 21 & 24 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
July 28 &31 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
Aug 4-7- FBC Collinsville, Collinsville, VA
Aug 11-14 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
Aug 18 - Red Hill Baptist Church, Polkton, NC
Aug  21 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC

Aug 25-28 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
September 1 - Proctors Chapel Baptist Church, Rocky Mount, NC
September 8-11 - Cedarville Bapt. Ch, Cedarville, NJ
Sept 15-18 - Oak Grove Baptist Church, Wake Forest, NC

Sept 23-26 - Mount Storm Baptist Church, Keyser, WV
Sept 29-Oct 2 - Fort Barnwell Baptist Church, Dover, NC
Oct 6-9 - Columbia Baptist Church, Columbia, NC
Oct 13-16 - West End Baptist Ch., Washington, NC  
October 18-19- Edgewood FWB Ch, Macclesfield, NC
Oct 20-23 - Calvary Baptist Ch, Whiteville, NC
October 27(am) - Proctor's Chapel Baptist Church, Rocky Mount, NC - Homecoming
Nov 3-6 - Central Baptist Church, Hughes, AR
Dec 1 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC
Dec 8 - Jamesville, FBC, Jamesville, NC
Dec 10 - Grey Stone Baptist Church, Durham, NC
Dec 15 - West Mount Baptist Church, Rocky Mount, NC
Dec 22 - Jamesville, FBC, Jamesville, NC
Dec 29 - Cedar Branch Baptist Church, Jamesville, NC

January 12 (pm)  - Englewood Baptist Church, Rocky Mount, NC
January 24-Feb 1 - Jamaica 2025 with His Branches Ministries
February 2 (a.m.) - Proctors Chapel Baptist Church, Rocky Mount, NC
May 28-June 3 - Central Baptist Church, Syracuse, NY
July 27 - Harrellsville Baptist Church - Harrellsville, NC - 150th Anniversary

Sept 22-25 - Mt. Storm Baptist Church, Keyser WV
October 5-8 - Columbia Baptist Church, Columbia, NC

Our Current Preaching Schedule